Railfan park and viewing area adjacent to the Norfolk Southern
Lurgan Branch at 210 Airport Road Shippensburg, PA.

Railfan park and viewing area adjacent to the Norfolk Southern
Lurgan Branch at 210 Airport Road Shippensburg, PA.
While the number of highway-rail crossing collisions, deaths and injuries has dropped over the past five decades, it’s still a startling fact that about every three hours in the U.S. a person or vehicle is hit by a train.
Conrail boxcar #295633 coming to Shippensburg
86’ boxcar
Built: April 1970
Learn More At The Conrail Historical Society
1956 Penn Central 50-foot boxcar
Address: 51 E Fort St, Shippensburg, PA 17257
Operation Lifesaver, Inc.'s "Find the Blue and White Emergency Notification System Sign" PSA .
Cleversburg Junction
GPS Location
Lat. +40.050151 N
Lon. -77.474542 S